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Image copyright Schmidt Futures/BBC/NovoNordisk/Getty A woman engineer who worked on the moon landing spoke this week of how she was once told the control room was no place for women. Things have changed a lot in 50 years, but not as fast as some had hoped. BBC News spoke to five scientists from different generations …

Leucorrhea is one of the banes of girls and women. It is very frequent, like 50 to 75 percent of all women suffer with it in a greater or lesser degree. In some cases it is only an annoyance, necessitating the frequent changing of diapers, but in others it causes a great deal of weakness, …

Germs. They’re everywhere. In the air we breathe, the surfaces we touch, and on the things we wear. As busy professional women, winter is the season when we’re most concerned about germs. Sickness is apparent as more and more people are coughing around us, blowing noses, and popping lozenges for their sore throats. Many business …

Rhinoplasty is one of the safest and generally most satisfying plastic surgeries in the market today. The results can be dramatic and long-lasting. Yet, in order to get to those perfected results, you have to wait through several weeks or a few months before all the swelling subsides. It can be even a year until …

In today's modern world, women have their hands full catering for their families and career. Everyone is super busy, which is why it is all the more important to concentrate on a hobby that speaks to them for about an hour or more and get engrossed in it totally and tie themselves from anxiety and …

I train and design fat loss programs for a lot of women. The main concepts of every single one of my fat loss programs are always the same. They focus on 5 principles that I’m going to reveal to you now. 1) Do less cardio. This is by far the one that is hardest for …

One might be fit as fiddle but age does make an impact on all of us. After the age of 60 it is necessary to look after your health. The most issue on the cards is weight loss. The 60 plus women & men can not really focus on the gym option as well. This …

With all the information available on the Internet there has been a slow decline in newspaper sales, and even a decline in those who get their news on television, because the Internet has made it very easy to access information at the click of a button. However, magazines have stood their ground against the electronic …

Are you worried about your sex life and looking for some effective advice for women? Then you have nothing to worry about as the following article will provide valuable sexual health advice that will enable you to boost your love life. It can be difficult to find the information that you require because of the …

While there is no lack of diets available today, finding diet plans for women that really provide results can be difficult. While you want to lose weight, you want to make sure you’re losing that weight for good. The last thing you want is to lose a few pounds, just to gain them back in …