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An Unspoken Concern While most plastic surgeons will outline the risks of having an elective surgical procedure performed, very few tend to speak directly to the issues regarding safety and post operative complications. Often, a surgeon will make a general statement regarding the risks of surgery, such as, “All surgery carries risks which includes, bleeding, …

Individuals want to acquire the services of a plastic surgeon for various reasons. Some individuals have unpleasant scars from previous operations or deformities from previous trauma. Others choose to cosmetically enhance particular body features. Whatever the reason is, it is highly suggested to find a reputable, well certified and qualified surgeon that you can feel …

If concern over the climate crisis or revulsion over the contamination of the food chain are not enough to change consumer behaviour, one grocery store is hoping that another emotion may persuade people to shun single-use plastic bags: shame. Customers who don’t bring their own bags to the East West Market in Vancouver will instead …

Although plastic surgery procedures were once thought of as activities for rich people to spend their excess money on, they are now more accessible to the mainstream. The main reason that “regular people” are able to get surgical procedures once thought of as off limits, is due to financing. It is now possible to finance …

Plastic surgery can be a major operation and can take a considerable amount of time for the body to recover. Invasive surgery especially around the face, can make the patient feel self conscious about their appearance if the procedure has resulted in a lot of bruising and swelling. Thankfully, aromatherapy oils can be used to …

In the late 20th century, many celebrities and socialites have decided to go under cosmetic surgery procedures such as Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, and Michael Jackson. Whether this was pressure from being scrutinized under the public eye or living up to the high standards as role models to a generation, this led to being one …

The need to change the shape of the forehead or brow bone is very uncommon. Reshaping the forehead or the brow bone (the bone below the eyebrows) is possible but there are different procedures that can be done based on the shape of the forehead and the brow bone. The shape of the skull between …

I’ll be the first to admit that aging sucks, but there are some great ways you can actually look and feel younger than your age, without botox or plastic surgery. The now aging Baby Boomer generation is obsessed with youthful appearance (thanks to the Media hype). Why do you think the Plastic Surgery is such …

Are you unhappy with a physical feature? Are you hoping that plastic surgery can alleviate back pain or other physical ailments? If you think you’re ready to undergo a procedure, it can be tempting to make a spontaneous appointment with your doctor. Check out this checklist of four tips and pieces of advice to determine …

Everyone loves to feel good about their body. This is why some people even go to extreme ends in search of the perfect body size and shape. Plastic surgeons have been on high demand in order to reconstruct scars, malformation and even body reconstruction. Technology and advancements in the medicine and surgery sector has given …