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In Chinese culture, magpie is a symbol of happiness. The singing of a magpie foretells good luck and happiness. That’s why Chinese people call it ‘Happy Magpie’. The Manchu minority in Northern China even regards this birds as sacred animals. The magpie in Chinese is called ‘xi que’ and the character ‘xi’ means happiness. Two …

The Passover seder is a Jewish ritual and feast celebrating the start of Passover. “We commemorate our exodus from slavery in Egypt thousands of years ago,” Stuart Prescott who will celebrate seder said. It’s a multi-generational celebration that brings a large number of family and friends together.  Prescott’s home last year was set up for …

“I talked to 50+ leaders and consultants about what ‘agile’ means,” the legendary professor of management science at the Stanford Engineering School, Robert I. Sutton, wrote on Twitter late last week. “Read 10+ books. I agree with many principles and grasped it when it focused on software. I am now confused. It has become a …

Tweet, web, stream and cloud may once have evoked the wild outdoors, but they are now predominantly used to describe technology, according to new linguistic research. A study of datasets of informal conversations from different decades has found that the implied meaning of some common nature words in Britain has almost completely changed in a …

In China, butterfly has been a popular symbol for centuries. The butterfly is called ‘hu tieh’ in Mandarin language. The word ‘tieh’ translates as seventy years, and because of this the animals are taken as a symbol of long life. Butterfly to the Chinese also represents love, specifically young love. It symbolizes an undying bond …