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In the last week, a fake video of Tom Cruise went viral. The video is an example of a “deepfake,” when photo, video, or audio is altered to seem real. The deepfake, created by VFX Chris Ume, serves as an example of how the process can create fun and entertaining content. But within the last …

Now the top hunter in Apex Legends, Bloodhound’s transition from the Old Ways to Technological Tracker came at a high price. The Recon class saw big buffs back in Season 6 of Apex Legends, giving Bloodhound some tender love and care that transformed the legend into one of the best. As Apex Legends gets ready for …

As the first major tablet launch in the corrections industry in more than three years, Securus built the JP6S to meet the needs and preferences of incarcerated individuals. Securus has led tablet development for almost a decade and used the feedback, critique and requests from the direct user-base, such as extended battery life and increased …

EVOLUTION HAS NO foresight. But occasionally it flukes something ideally suited to develop into something else. Biologists call this preadaptation, and it seems to explain the existence of three small bones, known as ossicles, that are found in the ears of mammals. Ossicles evolved from jaw bones, and the fossil evidence indicates this happened three …

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