Letter to the Editor, May 9, 2021: Technology can solve voter photo ID problem | Letters

Letter to the Editor, May 9, 2021: Technology can solve voter photo ID problem | Letters

We all are familiar with a litany of reasons given why a photo ID should not be required to vote. They are designed to elicit sympathy for how onerous it is for a citizen to obtain one. It also is familiar to most that a counterargument has advanced showing that those same persons navigate through other parts of their lives requiring a photo ID.

How about a compromise to end the partisan talking points that have become tedious and only serve politicians?

Virginia Department of Elections personnel can be deployed to all precincts on Election Day, equipped with a computer link to the state registrar’s office and anyone presenting two valid IDs in person immediately can be registered and a photo taken on the spot. With advanced technology, this old festering problem is solved so both sides can agree that no barriers are present and voting integrity is enhanced.

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