Mi Air Charge Technology offers 5W remote charging within a radius of several meters » Gadget Flow

Mi Air Charge Technology offers 5W remote charging within a radius of several meters

Xiaomi introduces the future of wireless charging standards with Mi Air Charge Technology. This technology enables users to remotely charge electronic devices without any cables or wireless charging stands. Additionally, space positioning and energy transmission lies at the core of this technology. It is capable of 5-watt remote charging for a single device within a radius of several meters. Also, it can charge multiple devices remotely at the same time. The self-developed isolated charging pile has five phase interference antennas built in, which can accurately detect the location of the smartphone. There’s also a phase control array composed of 144 antennas transmits millimeter-wide waves directly to the phone through beamforming. Through this technology, you can finally hope to turn the sci-fi charging experience into reality. 

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