BREAKING | Zondo lays criminal charges against Jacob Zuma for absconding from commission

Former president Jacob Zuma appears at the Zondo commission.

Former president Jacob Zuma appears at the Zondo commission.

PHOTO: Sharon Seretlo, Gallo Images

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has requested that a criminal complaint be laid against former president Jacob Zuma.

This comes after Zuma left the commission last week without being granted permission by Zondo, who is the chair.

Zuma left the commission shortly after Zondo had dismissed the request for Zondo to recuse himself from chairing the proceedings. He had accused Zondo of being “biased” and said the two shared a “close relationship”, which Zondo denied multiple times.

Zondo also announced that the commission would order a fresh summons against Zuma to appear before the commission and would approach the Constitutional Court for an order, directing the former president to appear and answer questions.

An unhappy Zondo described Zuma’s actions as a “serious matter” that would have a significant impact on the work of the commission.

This is a breaking story. More to follow.

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