‘Major’ water main break reported in Pittsfield; residents asked to limit use | The Berkshire Eagle

Letter: New buildings aren't educational solutions | The Berkshire Eagle


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By The Berkshire Eagle

PITTSFIELD — Motorists are being asked to avoid the area of Hubbard and Dalton avenues due to a water main break.

The city reported the incident on its Facebook page around 9:30 a.m. and sent out a robocall and text a short time later.

“Due to a major break in the water transmission line in the vicinity of Dalton and Hubbard avenues, the City of Pittsfield’s Department of Public Services and Utilities is urging people to immediately conserve water and limit use for the next 24 hours as repair work is underway,” the message read. “Please be advised that there may be interruptions to water service. We will provide updates as available.”

This is the second time in a week that a water main has caused traffic delays in the area of Hubbard and Dalton avenues. Last Wednesday a break occurred as crews worked to install traffic light footings. A drill rig struck the transmission main that supplies the city with water.

This story will be updated.



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