Intel Hires HPE Technology Chief as New CIO

Intel Hires HPE Technology Chief as New CIO

Archana Deskus has been appointed senior vice president and chief information officer at Intel Corp.


Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Intel Corp.

said it has hired a new chief information officer to run global information technology and drive a digital transformation that includes the use of analytics and machine learning.

Archana Deskus

will start as the chip maker’s CIO on Jan. 30, reporting to Chief Financial Officer

George Davis,

Intel said. She will manage an IT staff of around 5,000 employees, according to the company.

Ms. Deskus will take on the role temporarily occupied by Aziz Safa, vice president of information technology, who became interim CIO after the departure in August of

Paula Tolliver.

Ms. Deskus was hired from

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.,

where as CIO she led a project called NextGen IT, which involved the overhaul of internal IT systems and the integration of enterprise resource planning systems running core business processes.

Intel makes chips for personal computers, servers and other devices, and is adding more artificial intelligence products to its portfolio to help companies extract value from data, Intel says. Intel in December reached a deal to buy AI chip maker Habana Labs Ltd. for $2 billion.

Intel’s previous CIOs have written reports that highlight the internal usage of technologies such as machine learning to drive business growth.

In the most recent report issued in April, the company’s IT department used machine learning and analytics to improve the time-to-market for products such as chips by 52 weeks, thereby generating about $2.85 billion in additional revenue, the company said.

Intel said its digital transformation strategy includes the use of collaboration tools to improve employee productivity and technologies to help streamline supply chain and manufacturing operations.

Santa Clara, Calif.-based Intel has about 107,000 employees.

Write to Agam Shah at [email protected]

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