5 Ways to Look Younger This Year

Sometime within the next year, you are going to turn a year older. This may excite you on some levels, but it probably brings some fear and dread as well. You may look in the mirror and wonder how many new wrinkles may come with the higher digit in your age. Aging does include wrinkles and other unpleasant things, but you do not have to just accept them. You can defy that higher digit in your age by doing some of the following things for your skin. The earlier you start caring for your skin, the more youthful you will look when you turn that year older. So…ready, set, go!

1. Daily Sunscreen

You have to use sunscreen on all exposed areas of your body on a daily basis. Everyone knows to lather up when you are out on the beach or doing something in a bathing suit, but that is not enough to prevent sun damage to your skin. You have to use SPF every single day on every body part that is exposed to the elements. This means your face every day, including an SPF enriched lip gloss or balm. It also means your hands and possibly your legs depending on what you are wearing.

2. Regular Moisturizing

A lot of the skin problems people face with age come from allowing the skin to dry out. You need a well moisturized body if you want to look youthful and beautiful with each passing birthday. This means applying moisturizing lotions and other products on a regular basis and drinking a lot of water. If you are dehydrated, you are never going to be as healthy as possible, and that includes your skin.

3. Routine Exfoliation

You need to strip the dead skin cells and other potential debris from your skin on a regular basis. This can be done at home with a good exfoliating product, but you may also choose to have a professional facial that includes a high quality exfoliation. Someone trained in skincare will be able to recommend exfoliation products for home use as well as the best procedures when you go in for a professional skincare treatment.

4. Professional Cosmetics for Skin Health

If you are serious about looking younger, you have to make sure what you put on your face every day will nourish your skin and keep it healthy. This means going with cosmetics that are designed for skin heath, rather than basic daily beauty enhancement. Many aesthetic doctors are now offering their own cosmetic lines that will do more good than harm for your skin.

5. Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Procedures

All of the other things on this list are designed as preventative measures, but at some point you will start to see more signs of aging than you really want to see. That is when you go see your local aesthetic physician for a consultation. You may decide that you don’t want to go through any procedures or you may decide that there is something you feel comfortable doing in the name of remaining young. Either way, you at least deserve to go in for the consultation and give yourself the option.

The aesthetic procedures used today can give gradual results, so no one has to know that you had something done. They can get rid of the flaws on your face so you don’t look your age no matter how many birthdays have passed you by.

Source by Karen Tan