Cholesterol – Lowering Tips

Cholesterol is an essential structural component found in cell membranes which helps to produce Vitamin D, steroid hormones and bile acids. Our liver produces at least 80 percent of body's cholesterol which is transported to our blood. You can have a bad cholesterol level which is harmful for your body or a good level of it to keep your body healthy and fit.

Apart from its transportation through genes to an offspring, the problem gets triggered when your body starts making too much of it due to the combination of foods you normally eat. This large amount of cholesterol in your blood can rupture your arteries and cause acute heart attack.

Hence, making good choices in the diet can help you reduce your bad cholesterol. First, start eating plant-based foods, including fruits, veggies and beans. Second, in order to keep balance in proteins, eat fish, beans and nuts several times a week.

Breakfast is very important meal of the day. You can really make a difference in your health by starting to eat healthy breakfast daily. Abstain seriously from red meat, palm and coconut oils because they contain such fats which raise your cholesterol to an alarmingly high level.

You are therefore recommended to include fish in your diet such as tuna or salmon each week as it contains omega-3 which is very healthy for your heart. In addition, eat an apple with its skin on because it is loaded with cholesterol-fighting properties.

When it comes to heart health, medical experts advise you to completely avoid using white stuff, like white floor, sugar and white pastas for they all raise your blood sugar quickly which can trigger a potential risk factor for heart disease. Also, it increases blood fats and weakens the cells in your arteries.

Studies show that skin of red grapes contains resvertrol which boosts good cholesterol in your body but red wine should be limited to one glass for women and men both.

Scientists believe that stress also pushes your cholesterol levels up. So, it is advised to take a deep breath whenever you get tensed as breathing proves to be a great tool to help you manage your stress. Train yourself to focus on all the things which make you feel good about yourself because only a happy mind can make happy heart. Psychologists suggest avoiding negative thoughts as much as you can, and they propose meditation for you to reduce your body's inflammatory response.

Moreover, cardio exercises are also emphatically suggested by many doctors necessary to keep your heart healthier. So, add these exercises to your routine. Walk, swim or if possible, run for half an hour daily. Any of such practices will keep your body and mind fresh. Doctors even suggest moving your hands and legs while watching television as its better than doing nothing at all.

If you really want to avoid heart diseases, go for some sort of physical exertion trying to move your body in any way, while doing nothing will end up with increased cholesterol. Diseases like diabetes, atherosclerosis and heart strokes are already touching alarming figures. Do feel scared as it's a scary story. Isn't it?

Source by Hafsa Amjad