Daines sees new technology used on northern border

Daines sees new technology used on northern border


Sen. Steve Daines toured Montana’s northern border with Canada on Thursday and said he saw new technology and new methods being used to increase security.   

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials showed Daines the latest in aerial and terrestrial technologies — including small unmanned aircraft systems, ground sensors and autonomous towers.  They said these will help to better protect our border while enhancing the safety of the CBP.

“This is a great example of how we are using technology to be a force multiplier here for the men and women who serve protecting us at the northern border,” the Montana Republican said in a news release. “It’s an open and porous border, this is how we can use technology to make sure we secure our northern border.”

The U.S. northern border with Canada is 5,525 miles long, with 545 of that being across Montana. Daines’ visit was in Sweetgrass in Toole County

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