3 Simple Fast Weight Loss Post Pregnancy Tips For After Birth Women

Weight loss post pregnancy is a critical process to some people. Some even go to aggressive surgical methods. While this can help get rid of the additional fat especially around the middle, it does not really solve the core problem. A woman’s body is more predisposed to fat. Compared to men, we gain weight easily. We have fewer muscles to burn calories. That alone is one reason why weight loss post pregnancy is difficult to carry out.

The good news is, getting back into shape after giving birth is not impossible. Take your cue from celebrity moms who have been there, done that and who capitalize on their physical appearance. They, however, employ the service of trainers that usually costs a hundred bucks for an hour or so. But there are also easy tips even Hollywood celebrities use to reduce weight. Here are three tips you can use:

Tip 1: Use a smaller plate when you are eating and cut your food portions in half. It will seem difficult at first but if you fall into this pattern, it gets easier. This is what Hollywood celebrity mom Angelina Jolie does to get rid of baby fats.

Savor the dining experience. Make sure you taste every morsel of food you are eating. Chew ever so slowly so your tastebuds can be easily satisfied. When you eat fast, you are not really saturating yourself with the taste of the food leaving your craving for more.

Tip 2: Snack often but make sure you eat the right kind of food

If you are feeling hungry, do snack. It is better to have five small meals in a day rather than 3 big meals. Hunger is a result of your working metabolism. If your body does not have anything to digest, metabolism slows down considerably. This will then make it more difficult to burn the calories you will ingest in your next meal. Keep your metabolic rate working like crazy with small healthy meals.

Tip 3: Do small interval of exercises

Being a new mom, it is hard to incorporate an hour’s worth of exercising. If you cannot do one hour of continuous exercise, then cut in into minutes. If you are aiming for an hour of exercise daily, do 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon. This will work just as well as continuous exercise. Also, it helps you make more realistic exercising goals.

Keep these weight loss post pregnancy tips in mind and you can easily shed off those extra baby fats in no time.

Source by Stephanie Holden