Mission impossible? Creator of world’s first ‘bleeding’ vegan burger predicts meat-free world by 2035

Mission impossible? Creator of world’s first 'bleeding' vegan burger predicts meat-free world by 2035

Dr Brown said that his burger had a fraction of the environmental impact of meat – using up fewer resources such as water and land and with lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with its production.

The burger also has the same nutritional value as meat, in terms of protein, iron and micronutrients – but is much healthier, Dr Brown added.

“It’s lower in calories, lower in total fat, lower in saturated fat and zero cholesterol. And it doesn’t come pre-contaminated with faecal bacteria,” he said.

He added that trying to persuade people to change their diets would not work.

“It would be great if you could just convince people to choose plant-based foods that are already on the market instead of meat. But the fact is, it’s been tried repeatedly and that just doesn’t work.

“Instead of changing people’s behaviour, instead of changing the choices they make, make those choices better for them, better for public health, better for the planet,” he said.

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